CodeIgniter is an open source MVC framework for application development in php. It is simple to set up and easy to configure which makes it widely industry list used by developers. It provides various libraries and assistants that make it quicker and easier to add functionality. System Requirements: Php version 5.6 or later. MySQL 5.1 or newer. How to download and set Codelgniter?Application flow in CodeIgniter: The index.php provides a frontend controller for initiating the base industry list resource. 2. A router controls the http request, if the file is already cached it is sent directly to the browser.
Before forwarding them to the controller security is checked. 4. The models are loaded by the controller to provide access to database, libraries and industry list helpers etc. Routing in CodeIgniter: Ways are used to listen to a URL request. If a request matches industry list a predefined route it is redirected to the URL or if no page is found there is no exception. CodeIgniter defines industry list routes in a typical way: Locationntroller name / mode-in-controller / single-parameter . Session in CodeIgniter Session details are available.
Throughout the site but to use this data we need to start the session library. $ this-> load-> library ('session'); After loading the library, an example session can be used: $ this-> session Session value is stored as: (' variable-name ', ' _value variable '); Forward industry list data from controller for viewing in CodeIgniter The scene is loaded from the controller at:rameter is the industry list visible variable. macalla 'name ='. $ data-to-pass; Forward data from the controller in CodeIgniter Visual data is sent to controller.